Thursday, 26 April 2007

I thought I'd lost this forever...

...when my VHS player packed in, and I realized I couldn't find the tape anyway, as it was marked only by a post it note, and stored in a box I can't find in a house I haven't lived in for five years. But the magic of youtube has saved a Tori Amos-shaped bit of my past for me:

And, as if that wasn't enough, I was THERE for this gig:
I remember nearly missing it owing to severe mud-related indolence, and the fact that, even with sensible footwear and an all-body suit made out of heavy-duty bin liners and gaffa tape, it took hours to travel the smallest distances. If you look closely enough at the folks swaying along in the front of the crowd you can see some people I used to know, including Ken the guitarist from Rebellion programmers. Hi Ken!

What is it about music you get into aged between 15 and 20? Nothing you find later on ever means as much.

I'm going to see Tori in London in July. She better live up to the standard she set in 1998... the band is the same; that's a good sign.

1 comment:

Jim said...

He stirs, he blogs!

So I'm confused. This is presumably not an awfulness?